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Creating an Engaging Performance Space with Innovative Stage Accessories

  In the dynamic world of live performances, the distinction between a memorable show and a forgettable one often hinges on the utilization and transformation of the performance space. The stage, far from being a mere platform, serves as a canvas for artists to weave their narratives, emotions, and artistic visions. The magic lies in

Selecting Products to Enhance Your Stage

  By Scott Kinnebrew Be it a school-wide gathering, student performance, leadership meeting, or community-related event, the stages in our schools serve a multitude of purposes. The essential parts of an effective stage are lighting, sound, video, power, soft goods and expendables, with each category responsible for making sure the audience feels as connected as

Make Your School Stage a Multimedia Showplace

  By Don Roth We’ve come a long way from the days when the best way for a public speaker to be seen and heard was to stand on a soap box and loudly project his or her voice. Stages – and staging – long ago became standard for school events, but today we are

How to Maximize Your Stage Design

  By Amanda Caraway The stage is an important place in any Christian school, whether you have a space dedicated to theatre performance, a small stage at the back of the gym, or a large stage in an auditorium. There is typically a place where all students gather to receive valuable information and enjoy performances.

What You Need to Know Before Purchasing Your Portable Stage

  By Mark Newton and Magdalena Werneke Not all portable stages are created equal, so you should do your due diligence before you purchase to help make sure you buy a stage that best fits your application and budget. Here are some helpful hints to help make your stage search easier. What Brand of Stage

Upgrading Your Auditorium

Founded at the dawn of the 20th century, St. Thomas High School is the oldest college preparatory high school in Texas. The campus, ranked by the Houston Press as one of the city’s most architecturally beautiful, spans multiple interconnected buildings, including Cemo Auditorium, built in 2002 and recently treated to an AV systems upgrade. The

Buy or Rent Portable Equipment?

Buy or rent, there are options for everyone who hosts events. When the need for portable risers or staging equipment arises, the question of whether you should buy or rent your equipment always comes up. There are a few distinct things that will determine which solution you should pursue. This article will help you determine

How to Know When Your Technology Is Outdated

A recent article outlined the importance of making sure that classroom technology continues to get used rather than sit in the corner. Unused education technology, the author stresses, can be chalked up to poor implementation. There is no question that a poorly executed implementation of a new product can lead to technology going unused. But

What to Look for in Portable Risers

The purpose of music risers is to provide a secure stage and backdrop to your rehearsals and performances. The risers make your performers more prominent. What you may not know is that music risers also provide emotional and mental support for the performers, allowing them to deliver their best. The byproduct of having secure music

Miking Actors on a Theater Stage

By Bruce Bartlett Plays and musicals are a serious challenge for the sound engineer. In these situations, it’s hard to get enough gain before feedback and to reproduce a natural sound. One reason is that some actors do not project well. Also, sound reflections from the floor can color the tone quality and give a

5 Theatre Lighting Tips

The parts are casted, the scripts are all passed out, and the director is already giving…well, directions. That’s right, it’s the beginning of theater season at your school, and you and your thespian classmates are all a-buzz with excitement over the first play. A lot goes into making a successful school production. From rehearsals to
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