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Key Principles in Science Lab Design

  By Nina Neuschuetz A science lab is not just a room with tables and equipment; it is a dynamic space where curiosity and discovery come together. The design and layout of a science lab can have a significant impact on learning outcomes and safety, so it is vital for educational institutions to optimize these

The Best of Science Lab Design

  Creating a Learning Space that Inspires By Gigi Devanney, M.A. There may be no other subject that demands more of the facilities in which it is taught than science.  Whether you are teaching advanced biology, anatomy & physiology, introductory chemistry. AP physics or earth and environmental science, having access to an appropriate space can

Add a New Lab or Makerspace to Your School Without Paying for Long Construction Delays

  Upgrading or increasing the capacity of school laboratories and makerspace is a question on the minds of leadership teams at private religious schools these days. How so? The pandemic plays a part in this, both directly and indirectly. Let’s start with the direct part. Many students are in need of significant catchup, particularly in

Making a Successful Makerspace

  Schools everywhere want to create successful learning spaces (i.e., Makerspace, Fab Labs and STEM/STEAM Labs, etc.), but few understand the essential elements that create a successful and impactful space. First, schools need to develop a plan. Very often, schools rush to bring STEM learning to students, spending money on various 3D printers, lasers, and
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