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Children at the Center of the Dining Experience

  “We have such a brief opportunity to pass on to our children our love for this Earth, and to tell our stories. These are the moments when the world is made whole.” – Richard Louv, journalist and author Our childhood memories of eating in school cafeterias and classrooms tend to leave a lasting influence

The Making of a Modern School Cafeteria

  By Kern Halls A school cafeteria is a staple of every school. It’s where every student congregates, eats, and socializes. Friendships are made here, and it’s symbolic of every school. It’s also covered in almost every movie that is centered around schools. Yet, one common element is that many school cafeterias look the same

Transforming Cafeteria Space to Increase Meal Participation

  Cafeterias of the past were often designed with one basic purpose in mind: to move students through the serving line as quickly and efficiently as possible. And as the number of students grew over the years, space constraints often necessitated changes that emphasized the “get in, get out” mindset. As a result, many traditional

5 Things You Should Keep in Mind Before Shopping for School Kitchen Equipment

  The future of a country depends on its youth, and in this sense, making sure all the children of America are well-fed is a patriot act. School cafeterias and dining halls are responsible for the care and safety of many students and school staff members. School kitchen equipment is thus manufactured to serve large

Which Cafeteria Table Is Best for Your School?

  There is nothing more important than a young person’s education. Smart, attentive teachers might be the building blocks of learning, but there are a variety of tools that a child needs to succeed in school. Quality school furniture, for example, is a necessity that often goes overlooked. When it comes to choosing the right

Cafeteria Design Impacts Student Participation

  By Teri Wilson-Ruggles The school cafeteria is frequented by a large majority of students every day. The space serves a primary purpose of providing a dining area to provide nutrition to all who participate. However, as the need arises, these spaces have had to be transformed into versatile multi-purpose spaces due to increasing lack

School Cafeteria: Cleaning, Sanitizing and Targeted Disinfecting

  After a very long and unexpected break, halls and classrooms will soon be filled with returning students and staff. This extended vacation is the ideal time to get some targeted deep cleaning done. One of the most challenging places to clean is the school cafeteria. School cafeterias and kitchen areas contain a legion of

Kitchen Equipment Essentials for School Cafeterias

  Essential kitchen equipment for school cafeterias includes cook and hold ovens, steam tables, merchandising refrigeration, and heated merchandiser units. A school cafeteria serves a critical function beyond that of any typical restaurant. While the latter’s chief goal is to provide guests with a pleasant dining experience, cafeterias have the responsibility of providing the primary

10 Reasons to Bring Your School Lunch Software to the Cloud

  The school lunch process has come a long way from the days of sending kids to school with a few dollars and some change for dessert. Today’s school systems must have the right technology in place in order to maximize efficiency and stay on target for budgets and that simply can’t be done without

School Lunchroom Checklist

Here are five items to check off your school nutrition checklist: 1. COOKING • Make sure your ovens are calibrated properly. This is easy to determine by purchasing an inexpensive oven thermometer and placing it in your oven and setting your oven at various temperatures and verify the thermometer reflects the temperature you set it

Furniture Completes the Learning Environment for Students

When contemplating the design of each of the learning spaces within a school, the touchstone for every decision should be the end users of each space – the students. Students, teachers, and administrators utilize the facility throughout the day, but the students typically have the widest range of body sizes and shapes, the least amount

4 Steps for Marketing Your Food Program

Marketing is one of the most overlooked areas in school food. As operators, we get so caught up in the rules that we forget who we are there to serve. People like to feel part of things. They like to be kept informed and in the know. They are drawn by excitement. Students are people,

5 Ways to Revamp Your Cafeteria

Sometimes a change is just necessary. Maybe the lunchroom tables in your school’s cafeteria are super out-of-date or maybe they simply don’t accommodate the students as well as they should. Whatever the case, if you are looking for ways to revamp your school’s lunchroom, then we are here to help you do it. Here are

The Effectiveness & Longevity of Multipurpose Rooms

By Julie Wenckowski Recently I worked with a school district that had a mixture of newer and older buildings. While the new buildings are constructed for the 21st Century learner, the older buildings’ “traditional” structure fell short. Administrators challenged the faculty and staff to think outside the box and transform the older buildings to meet

School Foodservices: Back in Session

By Tracey Rector School is back in session! This means school foodservices are back in full swing from the cafeteria to the football field. With it being a new school year, now is the time to update and upgrade your current equipment and supplies to ensure a successful year. Here are a few ideas to

Buying Tables for Your Lunchroom

Cafeteria tables offer large capacity support for school or dining facility use, with strong steel frames, smooth laminate tabletop finish, protective edging and many styles fold for easy storage. Folding cafeteria tables have casters to enable convenient mobility and the folding portion at the center of the tabletop has added support built into the frame.
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