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Gymnasium Flooring Considerations

  We are all spectators of Christ, watching miracles happen daily. As an athletic flooring and equipment company, we have the task of making sure our clients’ facilities are ready to play host to the students, athletes, and the patrons coming to crowd into our local school gymnasiums to watch our beloved athletes take part

Creating a Strategy for Your Outdoor Athletic Facility

  Today, athletic fields of play are the outdoor classrooms for both curricula and extra-curricula activities on campus. Their planning and accommodation should be as premeditated as any academic building component. Yet, the outdoor athletic facility is often misunderstood in terms of meeting the needs of the campus when considering criteria such as safety, need,

Sports Floor Safety and Longevity

   The importance of maintaining the quality and safety of a sport floor Many schools have wood sports floors. They are expensive to build, which is why it is important to maintain their quality and surface safety. Most gymnasiums are used for many different activities, like basketball, volleyball, gymnastics, social activities, and even floor hockey.

Synthetic Turf and Injury Prevention  

  Outdoor athletic facilities bring your community together under Friday night lights. It serves as the place for athletes to gather for fun, competition, and personal achievement. Preserving health and safety requires preventative field maintenance to eliminate injuries. This ensures your athletes have a solid foundation to be healthy on and off the field. Assessing

Athletic Fields Within Your Budget

  Nearly every school has athletic-based activities even if only physical education classes or intramural activities. Students are being introduced to a variety of athletics as part of daily curriculums in an effort to create more active lifestyles, but all too often the schools don’t have a safe and reliable athletic space for the students

Investing in a Synthetic Athletic Field

  By Jim Dobmeier Have you found yourself on a decision-making committee that’s responsible for delivering the best possible synthetic athletic field for your school? If so, a bit of anxiety is par for the course. The easy part of the decision is recognizing the many benefits of synthetics. Synthetic fields can be used virtually

Playground Planning Checklist to Help Create the Ultimate Play Experience

  Planning the perfect school playground is easy when you have the right tools. Follow these five easy steps to create the ultimate playground for children in your community and beyond. Envision Your Play Area A great playground will complement your school unique personality and be a destination for years to come. Work with a

Bringing Safety to the Surface

  Did you know that roughly 70 percent of all playground related injuries are caused by falls from playground equipment? When building a playground environment, your choice of surfacing should be the most important factor. One of the most important things we can do to help provide a safe play environment is to include a

Selecting an Indoor Sport Flooring Finish

  By Eric D. Lussier Your gym is enclosed, the HVAC is running, and the basketball backboards are in place. The final touch to your athletic facility is the only item outstanding: the sports floor. There are many options that you may consider when it comes time to choose from the varied athletic surface options

Replacing Your Gym Floor

The Knights of Columbus is the world’s largest Catholic fraternal service organization. Their organizations are located around the world and boast a total of over 1.8 million members in 15,000 councils. One of those councils is the Kenmore Knights of Columbus in Buffalo, NY. The Kenmore facility hosts a wide variety of community events for

Why Playground Surfacing Matters

When you are building a playground, surfacing may be the last thing you think of. However, surfacing is of the utmost importance. In fact, when you are building a playground, track or some other environment that relies upon safety flooring, surfacing, and the process that creates it should be a high priority. So, why is

Today's Preferred Sports Surface

Sports flooring differs immensely from floors designed for any other purpose. Because the needs of athletes come first, performance, safety and comfort are inherent characteristics. Floor design can focus on a specific activity, say aerobics versus basketball, or on multiple purposes to suit the exact need of a facility or application: gymnasiums; handball, squash and

Making the Shift to Artificial Turf

Jackson Christian in Jackson, Tennessee, has launched construction of an artificial turf installation on the newly named Southern Capital Field at Ronnie Fowler Stadium. Founded in 1976, Jackson Christian is a private, college preparatory school located in Jackson, Tennessee. With an enrollment of more than 840 students, the school offers programs for infants through 12th

Resurfacing School Track

By Carolyn Mitchell How’s life in the fast lane? Much more colorful these days for student runners at Knoxville Catholic High since Competition Athletic Surfaces resurfaced the school’s track with alternating lanes of green and gold. The two-color renovation demonstrates the Chattanooga company’s willingness to attempt untried assignments, collaborate with suppliers to accommodate customers’ budgets

Playground Surfacing with Poured in Place Rubber

When it comes to recreation surfaces, durability is second only to safety. Poured in place rubber playground surface is a durable, permanent surface option—making it safe, long-lasting and virtually maintenance-free! The rubber playground surface material is highly customizable for depth, color, shape and design. The pour in place method allows for a recreational flooring surface
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