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Communicating Better with Parents

September 25, 2023 jill Blog


An open and clear line of communication between parents and teachers is vital for supporting children in their learning journey. When both these pillars of support – teachers and parents – come together, children tend to flourish in all areas of development.

Educators can grasp what is going on in a child’s home and how their families would like their behavior regulated while in their care if communication with parents is effective.

Why is efficient parent communication important?

Teachers can be open about their views and opinions by cultivating a positive relationship with parents. Here’s how:

  • It helps parents get a clear idea of what their kid is being taught at the school and how teachers are helping the kid in acquiring or improving different physiological, social, and cognitive skills.
  • By understanding their learning journey, parents will be able to provide extra support and help at home for the kid to grow and learn better.
  • When what is taught at school is reinforced at home, children tend to learn faster.
  • By communicating effectively with parents, teachers will get to know a child’s background and experiences closely.
  • Clear communication would ensure that teachers are well aware of any developments at home with the child, which they could work on with them in their classes.
  • Lastly, it helps parents gain a sense of trust both towards the concerned teacher and the school in general.

How to develop effective communication strategies?

Staff can explain to parents what transpired throughout the child’s day and how they are growing in their overall development when they make an effort to actively engage with families in their preferred communication channel.

  1. Take initiative

Make contact and get yourself acquainted with a parent of every kid in the classroom. This would be the first step in the roadmap to building trust with them. It could be a phone call or a warm introductory message. This two-way communication could be used as an opportunity to establish your own and recognize their expectations, as well.

  1. Be prompt

Let parents know as soon as you identify a problem or see a kid struggling in a particular area. The sooner the problem is discussed, the earlier you can start working on helping the kid overcome it. If not acted upon in a timely manner, it could create new problems or end up being more difficult to handle.

  1. Be consistent

Keep interacting with parents on a regular basis. This frequent feedback and update will help them understand the everyday needs of their child better.

  1. Follow up

Make sure to reach out and confirm if a set of suggested exercises is being done at home with the kid. This does not just help ensure the kid’s educational needs are being met properly, but also reflects sincerity and commitment towards the child’s better development.

  1. Be sensitive

Remember you are talking to the parents of a child. It’s a matter that involves a lot of emotion. So, make sure your language is considerate of their emotions and that you’re sharing feedback in a manner that does not sound cold or scornful.

Assessing a child’s learning, growth, and development is important as it lets teachers effectively communicate with a child’s family, using the evidence and observation they have recorded over time.

Software helps you to communicate and collaborate with parents, generate and share insightful reports, and provide a meaningful learning experience to children.

This information is courtesy of Illumine, software that is used by over 1,000 schools worldwide. It streamlines all your operations, simplifies billing, attendance, parent communication, and assessment processes,
