School Furniture
School Furniture
If your students are uncomfortable in their desks and chairs, it’s hard to keep their attention. Gather information about what furnishings help achieve optimal performance.
How Makerspace Environments Empower Students and Teachers
Educational observations have long served as a tool for administrators to assess teachers’ effectiveness, ensure accountability, and offer constructive feedback for growth. While these evaluations focus on many aspects of teaching, they also provide a valuable opportunity to observe student engagement. During one of my early teaching observations, an administrator used an unexpected method:
6 Ways Furniture Impacts Student Learning
Effective classroom design plays a central role in creating innovative learning environments that support modern approaches to learning, and a key element of successful design for education settings is classroom furniture. The choice of furniture can significantly impact learning outcomes and educational experiences of students. Modern school furniture designers and makers of office furniture
Desks and Chairs for Any Budget
Recent history has shown just how important in-person classroom learning is to the development of students. Classrooms serve as the epicenter of learning, and the furniture within them plays a crucial role in creating an environment conducive to education. Desks and chairs designed for the classroom must balance comfort, durability, and cost-effectiveness. This article
The Transformative Impact of Flexible Seating
In the realm of modern education, the concept of flexible seating is revolutionizing the way we perceive and design learning environments. Moving beyond the conventional static rows of desks, the contemporary classroom is increasingly embracing a diverse amalgamation of soft seating, traditional desks, and innovative options like bean bags and floor cushions. This article
Key Principles in Science Lab Design
By Nina Neuschuetz A science lab is not just a room with tables and equipment; it is a dynamic space where curiosity and discovery come together. The design and layout of a science lab can have a significant impact on learning outcomes and safety, so it is vital for educational institutions to optimize these
Children at the Center of the Dining Experience
“We have such a brief opportunity to pass on to our children our love for this Earth, and to tell our stories. These are the moments when the world is made whole.” – Richard Louv, journalist and author Our childhood memories of eating in school cafeterias and classrooms tend to leave a lasting influence
Makerspaces: Forever On Trend
By Nichol Lancaster Makerspaces made their debut around 2005, but the concept has been around for many years. In the late 1800s, women would collaborate while making quilts, knitting, and sewing and study each other’s techniques and discuss books they had read while making the quilts. It can also be found when Wilbur and
5 Must-Haves in a Library, Media Center, or Learning Commons
The library is the space I have seen change the most in the past 30 years. Gone are the days of tall, dark library shelving stuffed with volumes of books, study carrels, heavy wood tables and chairs. Instead, the library is a space embracing technology, a center hub of explorative learning within the school,
Furniture Configurations that Foster Student Interaction
With the start of a new school year, it can be overwhelming for teachers as they prepare to return to the classroom. Between lesson planning, memorizing student names, class organization, and supplies checklist, the last thing on their mind might be how the classroom is arranged — as long as they have desks and
Six Tips to Make Your Auditorium a Multipurpose Success
By Nina Parmenter Having worked with schools worldwide for 50 years, we understand the importance of spaces where people gather. These spaces lie at the very heart of a school’s character. It’s where success is celebrated, students are inspired and experiences are shared. The more functions a space can serve, the more value it