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The Power of Gathering Spaces

  Are gathering spaces important? You bet! We know from research and from experience the close correlation between personal interactions, job performance, and cultural quality. Campus spaces should be more than just a functional asset—they can become a powerful strategic tool for authentic school growth. Think about gathering spaces in the context of our own

Why K-12 Schools Are Adopting Open Learning Spaces

  The landscape of K-12 education is experiencing a paradigm shift, moving from traditional, teacher-centered methods to innovative, student-centered learning environments. Open learning environments are at the forefront of this transformation, championing a model where students take the reins of their education, guided by educators who serve more as mentors than lecturers. We are at

Designing Schools for the Digital Age

  In a world where technology’s rapid pace has reshaped how we live, work, and communicate, it should be no surprise that it’s also changing the K-12 education landscape. This digital transformation in education has brought about a new era of learning that extends beyond the traditional classroom setting. Technology integration in schools has revolutionized

Outdoor Classrooms Expand the Learning Environment

  Through our global collaboration with schools, we’ve gained valuable insights from principals and educators who consistently strive to enhance learning experiences, optimize facility use and create environments that support students’ academic and personal growth. One innovative approach that has gained momentum is the concept of outdoor classrooms. These unique spaces not only offer a

Outdoor School Signs: The Digital Transformation

  Outdoor signs have always been a part of the visual landscape for schools. From the steps of ancient Greek and Roman academies to the exteriors of religious education centers in Medieval Europe and beyond, the need to identify buildings and institutions of their educational purpose has always existed. But these identification markers were missing

Aligning Auditoriums With 21st Century Learning

  Auditoriums were historically highly desired in schools both large and small. More recently, many new schools are being designed without them, instead relying on flexible spaces that are used for multiple functions. A common solution is to provide seating on gathering stairs or utilizing telescoping bleachers that open toward a cafeteria or large common

6 Reasons We Need More Green Space in School Yards

  For 15 years, the TurfMutt Foundation has advocated for the care and use of school yards, parks, backyards, and other green spaces. These outdoor areas facilitate “backyarding,” the act of taking everyday activities that we normally do inside into the outdoor spaces around us, such as learning, studying, socializing, exercising, and more. This not

Going Green: Maximizing Sustainability in K-12 Spaces

  By exploring various design strategies and considerations that take sustainability to the next level, K-12 schools can become catalysts for economic growth and academic progress. Forward-thinking designers and educators all play a pivotal role in driving this change. AMPLIFYING LEARNING POTENTIAL WITH CLEAN INDOOR AIR AND NATURAL LIGHT Indoor air quality and ample daylight

How Flooring Can Optimize Learning

  While education design continues to evolve into more collaborative and inclusive environments that foster diverse learning styles and student/teacher needs, we are in the midst of another shift where these approaches are being perfected and improved. In large part, the traditional classroom with rows of desks facing a lecturing teacher are gone. The classroom

How Common Areas Support Learning

  Common spaces in 21st century schools are areas that exist in virtually all buildings but have never been utilized for learning. And, they can be as different as the school buildings they’re in. From hallways to stairwells, what was once dead space is being put to work in innovative new ways. Often outfitted with
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