School AVL
School Audio-Video-Lighting
It’s imperative your students are able to clearly see and hear the information they are being presented. See how to use audio, video, and lighting technology to effectively communicate.
Enhancing Communication: The Role of Acoustics and Modern PA Systems
In the bustling environment of Christian primary and secondary schools, clear and effective communication is paramount. Whether it’s calling students to assembly, relaying important announcements, or addressing emergency situations, the role of acoustics and Public Address (PA) systems cannot be understated. Today’s advancements in audio technology offer unparalleled opportunities to create seamless communication experiences
Transforming Classroom AV
In the dynamic realm of education, where innovation and technology play pivotal roles, the integration of audiovisual (AV) solutions into classrooms has emerged as a transformative force. From enriching traditional teaching methodologies to fostering interactive learning experiences, AV technology is reshaping the landscape of education. However, achieving success in implementing AV projects requires more
LED Lighting for Sports Facilities Ensures Player Safety and Spectator Enjoyment
Lighting plays a crucial role in the overall experience of any sports facility, be it indoor or outdoor. Ensuring player safety, spectator visibility, and energy efficiency are some of the top priorities when selecting a lighting system for a sports venue. LED lighting has emerged as the ideal solution, offering numerous advantages for both
Creating an Engaging Performance Space with Innovative Stage Accessories
In the dynamic world of live performances, the distinction between a memorable show and a forgettable one often hinges on the utilization and transformation of the performance space. The stage, far from being a mere platform, serves as a canvas for artists to weave their narratives, emotions, and artistic visions. The magic lies in
Major Benefits of LED Upgrades for K-12 Schools
By Jessica Irvine LEDs (light-emitting diode) lights offer homes and businesses several benefits. The bulbs are energy-efficient and durable and improve lighting quality. LEDs also offer flexible lighting solutions. K-12 schools also see these and other benefits. Students often improve academically after school’s upgrade to LED lights. It’s a cost-effective solution to lower energy
Acoustics in Schools
By Zac Morton The primary function of a school is to provide an optimum environment where teachers can communicate with students. In fact, up to 60 percent of classroom activities involve oral communications between teachers and students or between students. Speech intelligibility is critical in schools. But, very often, acoustic design is overlooked, and
Projection in the Classroom
By Chris Byrne For all the pros and cons, whether we like it or not…we live in a technology-driven world. Classrooms are no longer limited to analog methods of communication/teaching, and educators are able to use a number of digital technologies to engage and disseminate information to their students. One of the most widely
Lighting Case Study
Located just southwest of Atlanta, Trinity Christian School is a fully accredited private school that enrolls more than 1,200 students. Since 1991, they have experienced significant growth thanks to families who appreciate their holistic approach to student preparation and shared their satisfaction with their students’ education with others. While the expansion of the school
Spotlight on High School Theater
There is no question that participating in high school theater teaches students a broad range of life skills including teamwork, problem-solving, and multitasking, regardless of whether they are audience-facing or working behind the scenes. Providing high school students with high-quality theater technology and equipment allows them to learn the difficult but rewarding job of
The Value of a Sound Education
Our kids deserve a sound education, and classroom acoustics can help. School buildings should be designed to help students, teachers, and administrators achieve positive learning outcomes. Proper acoustics play an important role in reaching students. The way a student learns depends on what they hear and how they hear it. Schools face unique challenges